Stop curling polo collars: 5 solutions and 3 no-nos for the perfect shirt

By Michael Sullivan

5 Ways to Fix Your Polo Collar 

Curled collars are a pain and every shirt has it eventually. After just a single wash, that crisp fold is gone and you’re left with curling corners in the front that have a mind of their own. Your once perfect collar now has a curl like a civil war soldier.

We have 5 tips to fix the problem - and 3 things to skip. 

Men ironing a sheet


It’s the tried and true solution. The heat, pressure and moisture from the iron smooth out even the most stubborn wrinkles. When ironing, make sure to check the kind of shirt - cotton and cotton blends can take higher temperatures while polyester shirts need lower heat. This only works, of course, if you own an iron, and can wait a few minutes for it to heat up. Not ideal if you have just one shirt to do.

Button down shirts hanging on a rack

Dry cleaning

For about $3, your local dry cleaner will get that collar looking almost new using a special petroleum-based chemical used to remove stains and grease. But while that crisp dry cleaner look may be great for dress shirts, polos and casual button-downs may have an overly pressed, almost boxy look, depending on how your dry cleaner operates.

SnapCollar affixed to two shirts


This new invention uses pressure and moisture to firmly press shirt collars back into place without the need for heat or chemicals. SnapCollar works for on all kinds of shirts, including polos, dress shirts, oxfords, button downs, and is easy to put on or take off. It is also a great travel companion - put it on before you pack so your collar is nice and pressed at your destination. 

Learn more about the SnapCollar here 

Disposable collar stays

Temporary collar stays in the form of stickers or magnets also keep the front corner fixed in place. Be mindful these can fall off in the wash so be sure to check each time you wear they are still attached.


See ironing. You can get a cheap steamer for $20-$25 but to get one that will truly do the job, we recommend going for ones in the $40-$50 range. 

Person holding a green button down while steaming the shirt

What not to do to fix curled corners:

Hand press

We are all guilty of it - after you leave the house, you notice the curled corner and try to press it by hand in place. You mind as well try to straighten your teeth with your fingers next. Fabrics need to be pressed for a long time at room temperature to truly eliminate the dreaded curl. 


Some people hang a wrinkled shirt in the bathroom and take a hot shower, hoping the steam smooths out the collar wrinkles. We don't recommended this. Showers may fix the shirt's wrinkles on the front and back but moisture alone won't solve the corners. Plus, the shower runs hot water for a significant period to be effective, wasting valuable water and energy.

Soak collars after wear

Others have suggested pressing wet collars into place after removing them from the dryer. This doesn’t guarantee the fabric bonds won’t snap back to the curled corner you had before. When clothes get wet, the fabric’s molecular bonds that form curled corners break down but need guiding to reattach to take the shape of the collar’s original look from a SnapCollar, iron, steamer or dry cleaning press.